We’re in the Microsoft Ventures Accelerator
March 17, 2015Filmmaker Live developer Accelerated Pictures has been accepted into the Microsoft Ventures Accelerator Spring 2015 cohort in Seattle. We’re excited to have been selected from over 500 entries into this mentor-driven program that recognizes the evolutionary potential of Filmmaker Live and how it will impact film.
- Don Alvarez, President Accelerated Pictures
Being in the accelerator lets us continue to drive change in how Filmmakers plan their projects, make better decisions, reduce time on set, and share their vision.
We know communicating your vision is hard, and most filmmakers find their clients and backers have a hard time understanding the creative vision of a story. Being able to plan your project quickly and easily where you discover shots and build films with your team before production makes it easier to share your vision.
Being in the accelerator will let us fine tune our non-linear planning abilities for filmmakers to make changes to their edited footage without having to re-do their work.
The Microsoft Ventures Accelerator is another great opportunity to extend Filmmaker Live. Last year, we presented at 2014 Directors Guild of America Digital Days, highlighting important new technologies that will impact film and at 2014 SWSX Interactive Festival for Entertainment and Content.